A Cage called Earth

Mike Filipe
2 min readDec 6, 2019

Bars and wires are invisible, the bars and wires are created in our mind, for the circle of life will continue without us. The only cage I will ever know, and will never get to know it all.

Perhaps the cage with the most species to be known..? Perhaps the only cage without bars or wires, the weirdest cage ever, the best enclosure ever.

What is this cage?

It’s a cage of harmony, a box of seas and mainlands, islands and deserts, forests and mountains, an enclosure of peace and happiness, the real wallpaper of life, the definition of Ambrosio and so much more…

An enclosure of love and friendship, a box of freedom, a cage that opens our mind to think, where we are all different but looking for the same things, we feel empty if we aren’t satisfied and down if we fail, proud when we achieve goals and we constantly look for happiness in our box, as if the fact of being born isn’t a joy itself. We have the ability to grow and master our environment, yet we are not fulfilled with this, we want more. We look for other cages, we invest our time and efforts to create new ways of living, we feel the need to be different.

We are a small particle of this matter called earth.

We waste our time and efforts in the rat race, we live working for the future to achieve goals, we seek prosperity…

